Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. The prevention of overtraining in student sports is an important task for achieving optimal athletic results and minimizing the risks of illnesses and injuries. It requires consideration of both training loads and assessment of the functional state. The aim of the study was to identify individual dynamics and average group values of functional state indicators and physical load doses in student-athletes of team sports and martial arts. The objective of the study was to identify individual dynamics and average group values of functional state indicators and physical load doses in student-athletes of team sports and martial arts. Material and methods. The research involved 24 qualified student-athletes aged 19-20 with an average sports experience of 10.7 ± 1.7 years. Data were collected using an electronic athlete diary, which analyzed data on heart rate, recovery status, and other indicators over the course of a month. Results. According to the data obtained, the average value of the monotony index was 2.1 ± 0.8 units, the tension index was 107.4 ± 51.2 units, the ACWR index was 1.1 ± 0.2 points, and the TRIMP was 55 ± 31.5 units. The integral indicator of the functional state of the student-athletes was, on average, assessed as "good". Conclusions. The research showed that the electronic athlete diary can serve as an effective tool for monitoring functional states and adjusting training loads, which will help reduce the risk of overtraining, illness, and injuries among student-athletes.

student sports, overtraining syndrome, training load, digital athlete’s diary
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