Federal Research Center for Original and Prospective Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies (Laboratory of Rehabilitation and Sports Psychophysiology, nauchnyy sotrudnik)
Podolsk, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 1.2.1 Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение
VAC 1.2.2 Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ
VAC 1.2.3 Теоретическая информатика, кибернетика
VAC 1.5.2 Биофизика
VAC 1.5.5 Физиология человека и животных
VAC 1.5.8 Математическая биология, биоинформатика
VAC 3.3.9 Медицинская информатика
VAC 3.1.33 Восстановительная медицина, спортивная медицина, лечебная физкультура, курортология и физиотерапия
VAC 5.2.3 Региональная и отраслевая экономика
VAC 5.2.6 Менеджмент
VAC 5.3.2 Психофизиология
VAC 5.3.4 Педагогическая психология, психодиагностика цифровых образовательных сред
VAC 5.8.4 Физическая культура и профессиональная физическая подготовка
VAC 5.8.5 Теория и методика спорта
VAC 5.8.6 Оздоровительная и адаптивная физическая культура
VAC 5.8.7 Методология и технология профессионального образования
VAC 5.6.6 История науки и техники
VAC 5.12.1 Междисциплинарные исследования когнитивных процессов
VAC 5.12.4 Когнитивное моделирование
UDK 57 Биологические науки
UDK 61 Медицина. Охрана здоровья. Пожарное дело
UDK 347.514.3 В спорте
UDK 355.233.22 Физическое воспитание. Физические упражнения. Плавание. Фехтование. Спорт
UDK 351.855.3 Игры. Спорт. Увеселения
UDK 00 Наука в целом (информационные технологии - 004)
UDK 31 Демография. Социология. Статистика
OKSO 02.00.00 Компьютерные и информационные науки
OKSO 06.00.00 Биологические науки
OKSO 09.00.00 Информатика и вычислительная техника
OKSO 32.00.00 Науки о здоровье и профилактическая медицина
OKSO 39.00.00 Социология и социальная работа
OKSO 44.00.00 Образование и педагогические науки
BBK 22 Физико-математические науки
BBK 28 Биологические науки
BBK 58 Прикладные отрасли медицины
BBK 73 Научно-информационная деятельность
BBK 74 Образование. Педагогическая наука
BBK 75 Физическая культура и спорт
BISAC COM014000 Computer Science
BISAC COM072000 Computer Simulation
BISAC COM017000 Cybernetics
BISAC COM018000 Data Processing
BISAC COM062000 Data Modeling & Design
BISAC COM089000 Data Visualization
BISAC COM021000 Databases / General
BISAC COM021030 Databases / Data Mining
BISAC COM023000 Educational Software
BISAC COM025000 Expert Systems
BISAC COM074000 Hardware / Mobile Devices
BISAC COM080000 History
BISAC COM079010 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
BISAC COM032000 Information Technology
BISAC COM031000 Information Theory
BISAC COM004000 Intelligence (AI) & Semantics
BISAC COM060000 Internet / General
BISAC COM039000 Management Information Systems
BISAC COM077000 Mathematical & Statistical Software
BISAC COM051000 Programming / General
BISAC COM051300 Programming / Algorithms
BISAC COM012040 Programming / Games
BISAC COM060170 Web / Content Management Systems
Relevance. The prevention of overtraining in student sports is an important task for achieving optimal athletic results and minimizing the risks of illnesses and injuries. It requires consideration of both training loads and assessment of the functional state. The aim of the study was to identify individual dynamics and average group values of functional state indicators and physical load doses in student-athletes of team sports and martial arts. The objective of the study was to identify individual dynamics and average group values of functional state indicators and physical load doses in student-athletes of team sports and martial arts. Material and methods. The research involved 24 qualified student-athletes aged 19-20 with an average sports experience of 10.7 ± 1.7 years. Data were collected using an electronic athlete diary, which analyzed data on heart rate, recovery status, and other indicators over the course of a month. Results. According to the data obtained, the average value of the monotony index was 2.1 ± 0.8 units, the tension index was 107.4 ± 51.2 units, the ACWR index was 1.1 ± 0.2 points, and the TRIMP was 55 ± 31.5 units. The integral indicator of the functional state of the student-athletes was, on average, assessed as "good". Conclusions. The research showed that the electronic athlete diary can serve as an effective tool for monitoring functional states and adjusting training loads, which will help reduce the risk of overtraining, illness, and injuries among student-athletes.
student sports, overtraining syndrome, training load, digital athlete’s diary
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