Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the assumption that some gene variants in combination may show cumulative or epistatic effects, it is relevant to explore the combination of genotypes of independently acting and interacting polymorphic genes. The article describes the application of nonparametric method of multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) on a cohort of highly qualified athletes in order to determine the most preferable combination of genotypes of genes of neurotransmitter systems that determine the functioning of the higher nervous system. Based on the obtained data on the patterns of intergenic interactions, we performed cluster analysis showing the type of interaction between polymorphic loci of neurotransmitter system genes. In addition, we obtained models of the most favorable combination of genotypes for cyclic and acyclic sports. The MDR method in our researches was also applied to identify the unfavorable combination of genotypes in the development of such pathologies as nephropathy and disorder of bone tissue remodeling in young athletes.

genetics, genetic research, data analysis, bioinformatics, statistics, intergenic interactions
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