from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2024
Kraskovo, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
VAC 5.8.4 Физическая культура и профессиональная физическая подготовка
VAC 2.2.12 Приборы, системы и изделия медицинского назначения
UDK 796/799 Физическая культура. Спортивные игры. Спорт
UDK 00 Наука в целом (информационные технологии - 004)
UDK 796.966 Хоккей на льду с шайбой
GRNTI 77.03 Теория физической культуры и спорта
GRNTI 14.27 Внешкольное (дополнительное) образование и воспитание. Внешкольная педагогика
OKSO 49.04.03 Спорт
OKSO 44.00.00 Образование и педагогические науки
OKSO 01.03.05 Статистика
BBK 75 Физическая культура и спорт
BBK 74 Образование. Педагогическая наука
BBK 606 Статистика
TBK 4615 Зимние виды спорта
TBK 2352 Спорт
TBK 7626 Математическая статистика
BISAC SPO020000 Hockey
BISAC COM023000 Educational Software
BISAC COM032000 Information Technology
BISAC COM077000 Mathematical & Statistical Software
The article presents in detail the method of control of puck possession technique developed at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Football and Hockey of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. The methodology is based on the obtained patent No. 2732219 C1 of the Russian Federation, MPK A61B 5/11. Device for determining the frequency and accuracy of human hand movements at pronation and supination and the certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2024613913 RF “Control of the frequency of arbitrary movements of hockey players' hands”. The method allows to monitor the frequency of rotational movements of the leading hand when dribbling the puck on the spot. The speed and frequency of rotational movements largely determines the level of technical skill of hockey players of different ages.
Ice hockey, frequency of rotation of the stick, stick technique, technique control methodology
1. Arnst N. V. Physical Culture. Fizicheskaia kul'tura. Teoreticheskie osnovy adaptivnogo sporta [Theoretical bases of adaptive sport]. Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M. F. Reshetnev. 2020. 94 p. (In Russ.)
2. Ziganshin O.Z., Chiligin D.V., Lukyanchenko E.E., Popov P.D. Osnovy tekhniki peredvizheniia na kon'kakh : uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Fundamentals of movement technique on skates]. Far Eastern State Academy of Physical Culture. 2020. 94 p. (In Russ.) ISBN: 978-5-8028-0232-8 EDN:
3. Kozin V.V., Zykov A.V. V., Zykov V.A. Taktiko-tekhnicheskaia podgotovka iunykh khokkeistov: uchebnoe posobie [Tactical and technical training of young hockey players: textbook]. Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin. 2021. 128 p. (In Russ.) ISBN: 978-5-8149-3314-0 EDN:
4. Konovalov V. N., Bernatavicius D. A., Tabakov A. I., Martynenko A. A. N. N., Blinov V. A. Fizicheskaia podgotovka khokkeistov s ispol'zovaniem tekhnicheskikh sredstv: uchebno-metod. posobie [Physical training of hockey players with the use of technical means: educational and methodical manual]. Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, 2020. 188 p. (In Russ.) ISBN: 978-5-91930-144-8 EDN:
5. Patent No. 2732219 C1 Russian Federation, MPK A61B 5/11. Ustroistvo dlia opredeleniia chastoty i tochnosti dvizheniia kisti cheloveka pri pronatsii i supinatsii [Device for determining the frequency and accuracy of human hand movement in pronation and supination] : No. 2020104730 : applied. 03.02.2020 : published 14.09.2020 / I.Yu. Shishkov. (In Russ.) URL:
6. Certificate of state registration of computer program No. 2024613913 Russian Federation. Kontrol' chastoty proizvol'nykh dvizhenii kistei ruk khokkeistov [Control of frequency of arbitrary movements of hockey players' hands] : application. 12.02.2024 : published 16.02.2024 / I. Yu. Shishkov, D. G. Abolishin, A. N. Furaev ; applicant Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture”. (In Russ.) EDN:
7. Shishkov, I.Yu.; Furayev, A.N.; Pokrina, O.V. Kontrol' chastoty vrashcheniia kliushki u khokkeistov s pravym i levym khvatom [Control of the stick rotation frequency in hockey players with the right and left grip]. Vestnik sportivnoi nauki [Bulletin of sports science], 2024, (1). pp.25-31. (In Russ.) EDN:
8. Shishkov, I. Yu. Prospects of research of the stickhandling technique in hockey / I. Yu. Iskhakov // Perspektivy issledovanii tekhniki vladeniia kliushkoi v khokkee // Aktual'nye problemy podgotovki sportsmenov v futbole i khokkee: tekushchee sostoianie, problemy, perspektivy [Actual problems of training athletes in soccer and hockey: current state, problems, prospects] Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation, Malakhovka, March 30-31, 2022. Malakhovka: Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, 2022. pp. 254-266. (In Russ.) EDN: